Trusted Local Dentist in Massena

Dentist Office Potsdam

February 28, 2018

Dentist in Potsdam

Dentist office Potsdam

With complete or partial dentures, you can enjoy the experience of having a full set of teeth again, with all of the benefits that go along with that. At Zysik Dental, we're dedicated to working with you to replace the teeth that you've lost, and to fill out your smile once again.

Partial dentures are also called removable bridges. They're used to restore one or several teeth. And the more quickly that is done, the better for your dental wellness. Missing teeth allow others to shift, which may result in discomfort as well as your jaws falling out alignment with each other. Chewing is often less than efficient, which can have a negative impact on your digestion. Most of all, that empty space that used to hold one or more teeth leaves you feeling less than confident about how your smile looks. And if you have lost or are about to lose all of the teeth on your upper or lower plate, then a complete set of dentures in our Dentist office Potsdam are in order. Both partial and complete dentures are constructed similarly, with a plastic base colored so as to match your gums and blend in with them. That base is supported with a metal structure. And prosthetic teeth are added to the base; the applicable number to replace the ones you've lost. All it takes is the application of dental adhesive, and clasps on either side for partial dentures, to hold them in when you decide to wear dentures in Dentist office Potsdam. And with some simple maintenance, which our dentist will show you how to do (it's easy, so don't worry), you can get so much out of them.

Get dentures in our Dentist office Potsdam by calling our office to arrange a convenient time to come in and have a consultation and examination.

67 East Orvis Street
Massena, New York 13662
(315) 842-4071